Christians Portrait

No house, but everywhere home.

For the last 4 years I have been primarily nomadic, living in Portugal and backpacking through the Middle East and Asia. I have been lucky to meet so many kind and inspiring people, no doubt the world is way better than some news reports would want us to believe.

I've had the opportunity to immerse myself in inspiring paths and projects. As of now, with the possibilities of the digital age, you don't really need a lot more then a laptop to create websites, edit films, or create music.

And so, after spending years developing films in my darkroom, I now embrace the beauty of compact (digital) cameras and the ability to throw everything in a backpack, and be ready to go.

No job, but what I love to do.

I started little prinz productions, to make films for organisations and individuals that want to use the power of story to connect with their audience.

Really it all comes down to stories for me. There are so many ways to bring information/messages/bits & bytes across, it's jawdropping and never the less, motivating.

Travel Tales

I have long enjoyed how sound has the mystical ability to transport us to a foreign space. It's almost like being immersed in a different plane of reality. This is why I created Sunday Silence, a weekly podcast with Field Recordings of my travels.

Also, if you happen to speak german you can also find some sound stories on the travelblog.

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